1.     felt there was something about this siting positions in connection to our present situation but also that its not siting just on floor but in a heightened space ! almost like a nest. 


3.Body a spiritual entity : in art hierarchy body is always treated less important, even in religion texts body in-it self considered corrupt , mind is over body. 

Niche is the spaces in any vertical walls where the placed object, get three dimensional quality and it achieves a spiritual gaze from viewers ! 


In "with in" I almost think of the tow dancers as the spiritual idoms of humans but with a touch of bird or animal creature ! 

The idea will be to get to a almost meditative state for the viwer where they can almost see for themselvs something. We will work on abstract movement in the space not make it too clear in one narrative so that the audience can project their own imagination to feel ! 

password: withinS

password: withinN

video from frist trial : https://vimeo.com/475217066
password : withinNS

when I was a boy we used to have ala in our old house where we will alway put somthing a picture of GOD or a candle or a Oil lamp those spaces created bigger resonance in my consciousness to a bigger universe then my small little world. 

I m looking at project  process from a very domestic way, in most reduced but in the same time most effective way!  when you take away unnecessary stuff all what is left which is the core of any work, that’s what I have been feeling with this process ..in the core of my performance practice is the body and its trained ability to communicate on many levels 

And access complex ideas and stimulate others to be engaged.

I m very interested in exploring this expression of almost being a sculpture …how does one works with projecting the emotion through the physicality of the limbs and torso.

there is another window which is also to explore the way we look outside from inside.

few examples 



we are still exploring the limitations  and movements in these three different spaces alone and together 

 there are videos of the moment sections as well from first trial, 

do let me know if this can make some sense

its studio work form Myself and Nora Svenning 

(next year we are trying to develop a studio performance with something like this as well.)
